hexagon packaging box with draw strings

4 Basic Things You Should Know About Your Packaging Line

No matter what you sell, presentation is everything. Whether it’s that new PlayStation 5, you ordered online, all the way to that new motor Insurance policy you purchased, the presentation of any product or service changes the entire dynamics of perception.

When the presentation is mentioned, the packaging is the primary and initial idea that comes to mind. The packaging itself can be a tool to attract the desired audience and sets a description that differentiates your brand from others.

With this being said, the manufacturer packaging line’s initial stage has to be effective as this is crucial for the brand image and the results. As demand for a particular product increases, it can be challenging to maintain that quality level of packaging standard with consistency and colossal bulk.

It is necessary to understand and follow some essential points to maintain a consistent quality of a product’s packaging. Keeping them in mind and putting them to practice can help keep any packaging in line with the desired outcome.

1. Protection is Priority

Packaging is known to protect the product inside and safely delivered it from the manufacturer to the end-user. One of the topmost priorities of any packaging line is to consider how the product will remain protected inside the packaging.

This depends on the product; if the product is something delicate, like a decoration piece, then most manufacturers use air bubble bags to wrap the product. This is then kept inside a decorative packaging for a premium presentation.

If the product is less durable like food or milk, it will be packed accordingly and stored in a cool place at all times. Speaking of food, not many will like their pizza all messed up by when they are delivered.

When it comes to services like an insurance policy, as mentioned earlier, then the policy papers are required to be dispatched with rigid envelopes to make sure they reach the customer without being torn. This helps brands to reduce their product return costs and spoilage of goods.

2. Automation

Automated packaging in this century is a need and no more a requirement. This helps to keep the consistency of the result and saves time by covering multiple products in bulk.

Automation also helps save the business’s overall costs in packaging terms and demand and economic wise. Suppose if the market is down and there is less demand for stocks by firms, it saves the manufacturers from the salary cost of human capital compared to machinery.

Speaking of automation, brands do need to use marking and coding for their packaging. This is required by law and puts a perception on the user’s mind of its authenticity and information.

3. Complex Packaging

Some brands will pack their products to the point that it becomes hard for the end-user to unbox. For example, opening a jar can become impossible at times as this can get annoying.

Small business packaging boxes like in $1 shops have flexible packaging for their products, which can easily be adapted. This makes it easy for the users to unpack at any time. With attractive pricing, adaptable boxes can appear to be very attractive where the costs are easily covered with huge returns.

It can also be noted that for decoration products that are extra huge and requires cartons, some businesses apply too much tape on these packages where the end users end up tearing the carton instead, rather than patiently unwrapping it. This is not good for the brand image because damaging the box means it is of no use & will be thrown away, giving little to no value to the brand.

Most of the end users would usually look for durable packaging for their benefit, where they can use it for other purposes. This can somehow enable free marketing & publicity for the brand if their packages are being used for multiple purposes.

4. Attractive & Unique

We all know why! This is not only a crucial stage for the brand but also gives them an opportunity to communicate with the end user.

It gives the user a sense of being proud of what they have purchased from their hard earned money. For example, a new car has those plastic covers on the seats, which for many smells good. This gives the customers a sense of achievement which is an ultimate satisfaction that helps the brand to retain their customers.

Furthermore, every brand has its own identity and logo, which is clearly acknowledged by its audiences. Attractive packaging during an increase in market share contributes highly to the brand being recognized by a broader market. Even if the product is excellent in all terms and is crafted from raw materials of the finest quality but the packaging isnt attractive or unique, most of your targetted audience wouldn’t be compelled to buy it. Although they say ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’, sadly, our first impressions are created from what a product looks like from the outside.

When a customer walks into any market store, there are a lot of cut-throat competitive brands to which the customer is exposed to. It is usually the packaging & product display that brings the most attention. This is where your brand makes its first impression, and it is said that this is the stage where customers make their decision either to purchase your product or not to buy in a matter of 20 seconds, based on the packaging and product being display.

The colour, shape, size, durability, and adaptability increase the market share and helps the brand to achieve its targets.

To Have a Say

There are some businesses that allow the customers to customize their product packaging as well. This is where these orders are designed by experts and packaging boxes pro who deliver precisely what they are looking for.

Overall, the packaging is crucial for any brand, significantly the SME’s to develop and face their competitors through competitive advantage. Keeping these four essential points before packaging can highly contribute to the desired outcome because it helps keep the package in line with the purpose of the brand and what it is looking to achieve.